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Steklokrilci / Sesiidae Vrečkarji / Psychidae

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Predovnik Ž. (2001): Prispevek k poznavanju steklokrilcev (Lepidoptera: Sesiidae) v Sloveniji. Acta entomol. slov . 9(2): 141-151.
Predovnik Ž. (2002): Nove najdbe steklokrilcev (Lepidoptera: Sesiidae) v Sloveniji. Acta entomol. slov. 10(2): 161-170.
Predovnik Ž. (2003): Steklokrilci (Lepidoptera: Sesiidae) centralne zbirke metuljev Prirodoslovnega muzeja Slovenije. Acta entomol. slov. 11(2): 171-182.
Predovnik Ž. (2004): Razširjenost in biologija vrste Pennisetia bohemica Králíček in Povolný, 1974 (Lepidoptera: Sesiidae) v Sloveniji. Acta entomol. slov. 12(2): 173-188.
Predovnik Ž., Verovnik R. (2004): New records of rare pierids (Lepidoptera: Pieridae) in Slovenia. Nat. Slov. (6)2: 39-47.
Predovnik Ž. (2005): Clearwing moths (Lepidoptera : Sesiidae) new to the fauna of Slovenia. Acta entomol. slov. 13(2): 93-102.
Predovnik Ž., Tschorsnig H.-P. (2007): Tachinidae (Diptera), reared from clearwing moths in Slovenia. Acta entomol. slov. 15(1): 47-50.
Predovnik Ž. (2008): Synanthedon scoliaeformis (Borkhausen, 1789) (Lepidoptera:Sesiidae) in NE Slovenia and W Hungary. Acta entomol. slov. 16 (2): 137-144.
Predovnik Ž. (2008): Bembecia pavicevici Toševski, 1986 (Lepidoptera: Sesiidae), a new species to the Italian fauna. Acta entomol. slov. 16(2): 157-158.
Predovnik Ž. (2009): Ptilocephala muscella ([Denis et Schiffermüller], 1775) (Lepidoptera: Psychidae) prvič najdena v Sloveniji. Acta entomol. slov. 17(2): 130-132.
Predovnik Ž. (2009): Pennisetia bohemica (Lepidoptera: Sesiidae) in southern Slovenia and northern Croatia. Entomol. Croat. 13(2): 55-60.
Predovnik Ž. (2010): Phalacropterix graslinella (Boisduval, 1852) v Sloveniji (Lepidoptera: Psychidae). Acta entomol. slov. 18(2): 151-158.
Predovnik Ž. (2010): A revision of clearwing moths (Lepidoptera: Sesiidae) in the collections of the Croatian Natural History Museum in Zagreb and the Entomological Department of the Varaždin Municipal Museum. Nat. Croat. 19(2): 381-388.
Predovnik Ž. (2012): New data on the distribution of Synanthedon mesiaeformis (Herrich-Schäffer, 1846) (Lepidoptera: Sesiidae) in southern central Europe. Acta entomol. slov. 20(2):115-124.
Predovnik Ž. (2014): Identification of sex pheromones of clearwing moths Synanthedon cephiformis (Ochsenheimer, 1808), S. loranthi (Králíček, 1966) and S. spuleri (Fuchs, 1908) (Lepidoptera: Sesiidae) in Slovenia. Acta entomol. slov. 22(1): 19-28.
Rekelj J., Predovnik Ž. (2014): Dahlica goltella sp.n., a new bagworm species from Slovenia (Lepidoptera: Psychidae). Acta entomol. slov. 22(1): 5-18.
Predovnik Ž. (2017): Synanthedon theryi Le Cerf, 1916 (Lepidoptera: Sesiidae) on the coast of northwestrn Istria. Acta entomol. slov. 25(2): 165-176.
Predovnik Ž. (2018): Faunistic notes on clearwing moths(Lepidoptera: Sesiidae) in western Hungary. Acta entomol.slov. 26(1): 41-54.
Predovnik Ž., Glogovčan P. (2019): Nove najdbe vrst Colias erate (Esper, 1805) in Agriades orbitulus (De Prunner, 1798) v favni Slovenije (Lepidoptera: Pieridae, Lycaenidae). Acta entomol. slov. 27(1): 65-67.
Predovnik Ž. (2020): Revidiran seznam steklokrilcev (Lepidoptera, Sesiidae) Slovenije. Acta entomol. slov. 28(1): 5-14.
Predovnik Ž., Rekelj J., Gomboc S. (2020): Reisseronia lesari sp. nov., R. gertrudae Sieder, 1962 and R. tarnierella (Bruand, 1850) in Slovenia (Lepidoptera: Psychidae). Acta entomol. slov. 28(2): 97-120.
Predovnik Ž. (2021): Typhonia melana (Frivaldszky, 1837) v Sloveniji (Lepidoptera: Psychidae). Acta entomol. slov. 29(1): 117-120.
Rekelj J., Predovnik Ž., Huemer P., C.L.-Vaamonde (2022): Systematics of Slovenian Dahlica Enderlein, 1912, subgenus Brevantennia Sieder, 1853 (Lepidoptera, Psychidae). Nota Lepi. 45: 207-232.
Predovnik Ž., Rekelj J. (2022): New finds of bagworm Ptilocephala biroi (Rebel, 1909) from Velebit in Croatia (Lepidoptera: Psychidae). Acta entomol. slov. 30(2): 107-114.
Predovnik Ž. (2024): Ctenoplusia accentifera (Lefebvre, 1827) nova vrsta sovke v favni Slovenije (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). Acta entomol. slov. 32(1): 113-114.
Bertaccini, E., Hausmann, A., Predovnik Ž. Rekelj, J. (2024): Morpho-anatomical and molecular insights into Ptilocephala biroi (Rebel, 1909), and related taxa (Lepidoptera: Psychidae). Acta entomol. slov. 32(2): 125-138.

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